Handling Only the Video Part or Audio Part of Clips Separately

  • Conditions for setting a link are as follows:

    • The clip is placed in the same track.

    • Part of the clip is overlapping.

    • The clip is referencing the same source.

  • When the group/link mode is switched, the video part and audio part of all clips in the sequence can be temporarily handled separately.

    Group/Link Mode

  • When the start points of the video and audio clips set with a link are out-of-position, the number of frames that the clips are out by is displayed at the top of the clip.

Unlinking Clips

The video and audio parts in a video clip on the VA track can be separated. By releasing the link, you can handle them as independent clips.

1) On the timeline, right-click the clip to unlink, and click [Link/Group] → [Unlink].

  • Click [Clip] on the menu bar, and click [Link/Group] → [Unlink].

  • Unlinking: [Alt] + [Y]

Link Settings

Unlinked video clips and audio clips can be re-linked.

1) On the timeline, select the respective video and audio clips to be linked.

2) Right-click a clip, and click [Link/Group] → [Link].

  • The link is set, and you can handle it as a single clip.

  • Click [Clip] on the menu bar, and click [Link/Group] → [Link].

  • Setting link: [Y]

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