Switching Mode when Placing/Moving Clips

You can switch clip operations when placing clips on the timeline or operations for linking clips on the track by the editing mode.

Insert/Overwrite Mode

In the insert mode, if a clip exists at the position where you place a clip, the new clip moves the existing clip backward and is inserted at the position in between.

In the overwrite mode, if a clip exists at the position where you place a clip, the new clip overwrites part of existing clip overlapped by the new clip.

1) Click [Toggle Insert/Overwrite Mode] on the mode bar.

  • Each click switches between the insert mode and the overwrite mode.

  • : Insert mode

  • : Overwrite mode

  • The current mode (insert mode/overwrite mode) is displayed on the status bar of the timeline.

  • Switch overwrite/insert mode: [Insert]

Sync-lock (Synchronization)

The result of track editing such as insertion or moving a clip affects other tracks, too, when sync-lock is set to a track.


When sync-lock is set to all three tracks and a clip has been added in the insert mode:

1) Click the lock panel of the track to which sync-lock is set.

  • Each click switches between on and off.

  • To set sync-lock to all tracks, click the batch lock panel.

  • Right-click the lock panel of the track to set sync-lock to, and click [Track Sync Lock]. To cancel, click [Track Sync Unlock].

  • Select the track to set sync-lock to, right-click the batch track panel, and select [Sync Lock Selected Tracks].

Ripple Mode

In the ripple mode, when a clip is deleted or trimmed, the subsequent clips move forward to prevent spaces from being formed on the timeline. When inserting a clip, you can move the subsequent clips while holding the space at the insert position.

  • All subsequent clips following the clip that is being edited between tracks set with sync-lock are interlocked.


When sync-lock is disabled on all three tracks and a clip has been inserted with the ripple mode on (insert mode)


When sync-lock is set on all three tracks and a clip has been inserted with the ripple mode on (insert mode)

1) Click [Set Ripple Mode] on the mode bar.

  • Each click switches the mode on and off.

  • The current mode (ripple on/ripple off) is displayed on the status bar of the timeline.

  • Switching ripple mode: [R]

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