Applying Effect to Multiple Clips in a Batch

By placing an adjustment clip on a track and applying an effect, you can apply the same effect in a batch to multiple clips on the tracks below the current track.

  • Video filter and color correction can be applied to an adjustment clip.

  • The effect applied to an adjustment clip does not affect the clips on the T track.

1) Move the timeline cursor to the position where the adjustment clip is placed.

2) Right-click on the track to place an adjustment clip, and click [New Clip] → [Adjustment Clip].

  • The effect applied to the adjustment clip is applied to the clips on the tracks below the current track. Place an adjustment clip onto the upper track of that to which the clips you want to apply the effect are placed.

  • The adjustment clip is placed onto the track on which the position of the timeline cursor is selected as the In point. Adjust the length of the adjustment clip as necessary.

3) Apply video filter or color correction to the adjustment clip.

4) Adjust and configure the effect as necessary.

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