Camera Shake Correction


Correct the camera shake by image processing.

1) In the folder view of the [Effect] palette, click the [VideoFilters] tree and display the filters.

2) Drag and drop [Stabilizer] to the clip on the timeline.

  • Analysis of the video motion of the clip starts in the background.

    [Background Job]

  • Select a clip on the timeline. Select [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, and click [Add to Timeline].

  • Select a clip on the timeline. Right-click [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, and click [Add to Timeline].

  • Select [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, right-drag it to the clip on the timeline, and click [Add].

  • Select [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, right-drag it to the clip on the timeline, and click [Paste] → [All].

3) Play back a clip to check the video.

  • For the part where analysis is completed, the camera shake correction is performed on the spot during playback. Change the camera correction setting after step 4) , if necessary.

4) Display the [Information] palette, and double-click [Stabilizer].

5) Configure the settings and click [OK].

[Video Stabilizer] Dialog Box


Move the slider to adjust the smoothness level of the video motion.

Items set to [Off] are not corrected.


Adjust correction level for vertical and horizontal shake.


Adjust correction level for zoom-in and zoom-out shake.

[2D Rotate]

Adjust correction level for rotation shake.

[3D Rotate]

Adjust correction level for perspective shake.

[Rolling Shutter]

Adjust correction level for distortion of the rolling shutter.

[Auto Trimming]

Check this item to enlarge the video automatically in order not to make a gap at the edge of the video after correcting the video.

You can also enter a value for enlargement factor.


Display the corrected video on the entire screen or at the left/right/upper/lower screen, and compare with the original video. Click the button to select where to display the video.

You can enter a value for the ratio to display the corrected video against the entire screen.

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