Registering Exporter Settings as Preset

You can register frequently used exporter settings as presets. The exporter settings can also be registered in combination with the conversion settings used to export in a format that differs from the project settings.

Creating Exporter Presets

An exporter setting can be registered as an exporter preset.

1) Select an exporter in the [Print to File] dialog box.

2) Click [Save preset] in the [Print to File] dialog box.

  • [Preset Dialog] will be displayed.

3) Enter an exporter preset name in [Preset name], and configure the export details.

  • The export contents differ depending on the exporter.

  • You can enter your preferred description in [Description]. It will be displayed at the exporter/preset list in the [Print to File] dialog box.

4) Click [OK].

  • The created preset is registered in the exporter/preset list.

  • When you click [My presets] in the category tree, all user-registered exporter presets are displayed in the exporter/preset list.

  • To change the settings of an already-created exporter preset, select the exporter preset to be changed, click [Save preset] and change the settings.

Deleting Exporter Presets

You can delete the exporter presets that you have created.

1) Select the exporter preset to be deleted in the [Print to File] dialog box.

2) Click [Delete preset] in the [Print to File] dialog box.

3) Click [Yes].

  • Only exporter presets that have been registered by the user can be deleted.

Importing Exporter Presets (Import)

You can import exporter presets. “*.tpd” and “*.expd” files can be imported.

1) Click [Import preset] in the [Print to File] dialog box.

2) Select a file, and click [Open].

  • When you click [My presets] in the category tree, imported exporter presets are displayed in the exporter/preset list.


  • Files with the “*.expd” extension cannot be imported to EDIUS version 10.34.10112 and earlier.

Exporting Exporter Presets (Export)

You can export the exporter presets that you have created. The extension of the exported file is “*.expd”.

1) Select an exporter preset in the [Print to File] dialog box.

2) Click [Export preset] in the [Print to File] dialog box.

3) Enter a file name, select the save destination and click [Save].

  • Exportable presets are the user-registered exporter presets, default exporters, and recently used exporters.

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