
Blends multiple videos on top of one another.


Blends 2 videos on top of each other. Video A is the 1VA video and video B is 2VA, where video B is blended on top of video A.

The above images are examples of blending the blue gradation as video A (background) and the red gradation as video B (foreground).

The following images are examples of blending the skydiving image as video A (background) and the image of the airplane flying above a lake as video B (foreground).

Original images

Video B


Key application side

Video A



The blending creates a darker area where the background is dark due to a multiplying effect, and a brighter area where the background is light due to a screening effect.


Since the pixels are negated, multiplied then negated again, the image becomes brighter.

[Soft Light]

Applies a multiplication and screening effect, making the background darker where the foreground is dark, and the background lighter where the foreground is light.

[Hard Light]

Blending of where the foreground is dark makes the image darker due to a multiplying effect, and blending of where the foreground is light makes the image lighter due to a screening effect.

[Vivid Light]

Blending of where the foreground is light lowers the contrast and makes the image lighter, and blending of where the foreground is dark increases the contrast and makes the image darker.

[Pin Light]

Replaces parts that are light in the foreground with a darker part, and replaces parts that are dark in the foreground with lighter parts.

[Linear Light]

Increases the brightness of parts that are bright in the foreground, and lowers the brightness of parts that are dark in the foreground.


Multiplies the colors and so makes the image darker.


Adds the colors and so makes the image brighter.


Displays colors that have been converted into an absolute value from the difference between the background and foreground.


Compares the background and foreground, and displays the brighter color.


Compares the background and foreground, and displays the darker color.


Subtracts the foreground from the background so parts of the foreground that are bright become dark.

[Color Burn]

Leaves the background color as it is and darkens parts that are superimposed.

[Color Dodge]

Leaves the background color as it is and brightens parts that are superimposed.


Displays colors that have been converted to an exclusive OR for the background and foreground.


Displays the lower video through a specific color.


[Track Matte]

Produces an alpha channel according to the luminance of the lower image, which is multiplied to the alpha channel of the clip to which track matte is applied.

[Track Matte]


Displays the lower video through a specific brightness.


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