Returning Checked Out Projects (Check-in)

1) Start up EDIUS, and open the checkout source project.

  • The checkout source project is displayed as [Check out] at [Status] in the [Start Project] dialog box.

  • The [Check Out Status] dialog box appears.

2) Click [Check in].

  • Open the checkout source project file, and click [Open as read-only] in the [Check Out Status] dialog box. Click [File] on the menu bar, and click [Field Editing] → [Check in].

3) Click [OK].

4) Click [Yes].

  • The project opens with editing details reflected.

  • The checkout source project cannot be renamed even if a project file with a different name has been checked in.

  • The proxy that was used at the checkout destination is not copied when it is checked in.

5) Save a project.

[Check In] Dialog Box

[Project file]

Displays the project file to check in. By default, the checkout destination and project name set in the [Check Out] dialog box at the time of checkout are displayed. Any project file can be selected by clicking [Browse].

[Add/Update file]

Displays any files updated at the checkout source and files added or updated at the checkout destination from checkout onwards in a list. Select from the list how to process additional or updated files.

When [Use Original] is selected from the [Processing] list, the files are linked to the source files at the checkout source. When [Copy to Project Folder] is selected, the source files at the checkout source are copied and linked to the project folder at the checkout source.

File properties can be confirmed by clicking .

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