Changing the Screen Layout

EDIUS standard layout can be customized for better usability. The preview window, the bin window, etc. can be resized, and tab windows can also be combined. It is also possible to register the customized layout.

Registering Layouts

Register operation screen layouts after they have been laid out according to your preference or size.

Before you start operation, place the window or tab window in the layout you want to register.

1) Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Window Layout] → [Save current layout] → [New].

2) Enter a name, and click [OK].

  • The current layout will be registered as default. Numbers from [01] to [10] are assigned in order of registration.

  • 10 layouts can be saved. To register a new layout when 10 layouts are already registered, select the layout to be overwritten from among the registered layouts in step 2) .

Renaming Layouts

You can rename registered layouts.

1) Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Window Layout] → [Change Layout Name] → layout to change the name.

2) Enter a name, and click [OK].

Applying Layouts

Apply a registered layout to change the layout as you like.

1) Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Window Layout] → [Apply Layout] → layout to apply.

  • To change the layout easier, assign keyboard shortcuts to the registered layouts [01] to [10] to apply each of them.

    Changing Keyboard Shortcut Assignments

  • Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Window Layout] → [Normal] to restore the default layout.

  • Returning to the default layout: [Shift] + [Alt] + [L]

Deleting Layouts

Delete registered layouts.

1) Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Window Layout] → [Delete Layout] → layout to delete.

2) Click [Yes].

Combining Tab Windows with Bin Window/Source Browser Window

Combine the bin window, source browser window, and tab windows in whatever way so the display area on the screen is utilized more effectively.

1) Drag the tab of a tab window onto the tab of the bin window or source browser window.

  • The independent tab window is combined with the bin window or source browser window, and is added as a tab. Click the tab to switch the display window.


When all the windows are combined

  • You can freely combine the bin window, source browser window, and tab windows. For example, you can combine tab windows of your preference into one window, or you can combine the bin window and source browser window with all the tab windows into one window.

    [Information] Palette

    [Effect] Palette

    [Marker] Palette

    [Mync] Window

    [Job] Window

  • To cancel a combination, drag the tab outside the frame.

  • Size of each window can be changed freely by moving the mouse cursor to the edge of a window and dragging it when the mouse cursor changes the shape.

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