Creating EDIUS Projects

You can select an asset in the library and edit it on EDIUS. On EDIUS, a project is created in accordance with the file format of the selected asset.

  • This function cannot be used when EDIUS is running.

1) On Mync, click on the [Management] tab.

  • The display of the sidebar and thumbnail pane will be switched.

2) Click [Library] on the sidebar.

  • All the assets registered to Mync are displayed in the thumbnail pane.

  • To create a project from an asset managed in a catalog/smart catalog, select the target catalog/smart catalog.

3) Right-click on an asset, and click [Edit with EDIUS].

  • The [Create EDIUS Project] dialog box appears.

4) Enter a name of project, and click [OK].

  • EDIUS is started and a project opens, which has been created in accordance with the file format of the asset.

  • The selected asset is registered to the bin of the project.

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