EDIUS 11 and Mync 11 Release notes - version 11.11.14613

New Features


- Added a feature to edit clip properties below for multiple selected clips in the in the Bin and Mync window with the Properties view:
- Reel Name
- Frame Rate
- Field Order
- Aspect Ratio
* For Mync window, editing properties is only available for selected items in the Library
- Added a feature to import / export the Bin information
* The Bin information exported from previous generations of EDIUS can also be imported
- Improved performance of the Bin window, especially when multiple clips are selected
- Added support for RED V-RAPTOR
- Improved visibility of the progress bar on the splash screen


- Added a feature to edit the asset properties below for multiple selected assets in the Library with the Properties pane:
- Frame Rate
- Field Order
- Aspect Ratio
* "Reel Name" property is editable already
- Added support for RED V-RAPTOR

Fixed Issues


- If a clip is loaded to the Player by drag and drop then change In and Out points, the result is not reflected to the Bin window
- When the database and a project have been synchronized, a dialog to prompt to save the project appears even if it is not necessary
- There are cases that re-linked and restored offline clips revert to offline after reopening the project even though the project is saved after restoration
- The metadata edited with the Properties view is only stored in the database but not in the project file
- When opening a project, there are cases that unnecessary synchronization with the database runs
- In rare cases, a clip registered with "Add and Transfer to Bin" may keep referring the original location even after completion of transferring the material
- When importing an EDL, AAF or Final Cut Pro XML file, it is not registered to the Bin window as a timeline sequence
- "Restore and Transfer Clips" dialog does not open from an offline clip in the Bin window
- Certain JPEG files cannot be registered to the Bin (SFDC00882547)
- XDCAM disc still appears in the Source Browser even after ejecting the media (SFDC00881776)
- NDI output does not have timecode
- Certain Sony RAW clips appear bluish
- Black frames appear during playing back certain H.264/AVC MP4 clips (SFDC00887352)
- The Primary Color Correction filter combined in the Mask filter does not take effect on exported files if an imported LUT is set to the "Destination/LUT" of the filter (SFDC00885731)
- EDIUS cannot load an HLS clip if its playlist includes a carriage return character followed by a line feed character (CRLF)


- Certain JPEG files cannot be imported (SFDC00882547)
- Certain Sony RAW clips appear bluish
- Black frames appear during playing back certain H.264/AVC MP4 clips (SFDC00887352)
- Mync cannot import an HLS clip if its playlist includes a carriage return character followed by a line feed character (CRLF)

Known Issues


- Values set to key frames are not displayed properly on the timeline pane of effect settings of OpenFX plug-ins
* Values themselves are set properly
- Alpha channel is not applied correctly when using some video filters and transitions in the Boris FX Sapphire plug-in
- Video filters of the Boris FX Sapphire plug-in do not work properly for sequence clips
- Loading presets does not work properly on some video filters in the Boris FX Sapphire plug-in
- When doing Consolidating Project, "Remove unused clips in Timeline" option does not work
- In interlaced projects, clips with OpenFX plugin effects applied appear as striped images in proxy mode or during draft preview
- Wrong images are sometimes inserted during playing a clip with an OpenFX plug-in effects applied if the frame size of the clip is smaller than the current project's frame size
- During Title Insertion Mode, the selected clip in the Bin window is not loaded to the Player automatically
- Timecodes added to an audio clip is different between the Bin window and the Player if the TC mode of the project is changed
- Stabilizer filter is ignored if file export is started before completion of analysis by Stabilizer
- Start timecode set for a BWF format audio file is ignored
- "Alpha" column in the Bin window does not show anything for a clip with alpha channel just after the clip is exported with [Add to Bin] option and added to the Bin
For workaround, Press F5 key on the Bin window
- When adding clips to the Bin window with "Open" dialog, metadata set on the dialog is ignored
- When a still sequence clip is offline, the clip does not appear on the "Restore and Transfer Clips" dialog and the Properties dialog cannot be opened for it
- Changes made to some properties in the Properties dialog are not reflected in the Bin window
- EDIUS crashes when BCC FX Browser in the Boris FX Continuum plug-in is applied to a clip
- EDIUS freezes when an OpenFX plug-in of Boris FX shows a license expiration warning dialog
- Markers deleted with Mync remain on EDIUS
- Converting sequence clips fails
- EDIUS freezes when the setting dialog of S_DissolveStatic in the Boris FX Sapphire plug-in is opened
- EDIUS freezes when the settings dialog of Polarizer in the Boris FX Continuum plug-in is opened in the secondary monitor
- At some effects of Boris FX Continuum plug-in, some slider bars on their settings dialogs do not work properly
- Occasionally EDIUS will not work properly after switching the Windows account without signing out
- When closing a project, EDIUS does not ask whether you want to save the project if you have worked in the Bin window only
* This issue only affects new unsaved projects because changes to the Bin are always automatically saved
- The following keyboard operations do not work in the Bin, Mync and Job windows
Page Up, Page Down, Home, End
- Extra clip markers appear for a nested sequence
- When a clip is duplicated or moved by using copy and paste or cut and paste in the Bin, on/off of the indicator on the created or moved clip that shows if it is used in a timeline sequence is not correct
For workaround, Save once then re-open the project
- If there are many assets in the library of Mync, the overall editing performance of EDIUS will decrease
* Note that all clips that are registered to a project at least once will be automatically registered to the library of Mync regardless of whether the project is saved or not
- Clips cannot be registered by dragging and dropping from the Mync window to the Bin window
For workaround, Use "Send To EDIUS Bin" context menu instead
- Checked out project cannot be checked in if the checked out project is opened and saved at the same PC from which the project is checked out
- When hundreds of clips are copied in the Bin window at once, some of clips will not be copied
- Export job fails with an error "The data is invalid" if the Bin contains thousands of clips
- When editing a clip in the Properties view, in rare cases after selecting an input field, keystrokes are treated as shortcut keys instead of entering text


- Start timecode set for a BWF format audio file is ignored
- Mync 11 bundled with EDIUS 11 Broadcast does not play Dolby Digital (AC-3), play Dolby Digital Professional (AC-3) nor Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3) audio
- When the first launch of Mync 11 after upgrading from Mync X or EDIUS X, occasionally the database migration dialog does not appear automatically
For workaround, Select "Database Migration..." from the Help menu to migrate database
- Occasionally Mync will not work properly after switching the Windows account without signing out
- The operation area of the Preview pane appears in the wrong position depending on the display settings