EDIUS Training
Please note that the training materials listed in this section are developed independently from Grass Valley.

They are available in English, German and French on:
Additionally the English podcasts offer subtitles in multiple languages.

Free EDIUS Basic introduction tutorial from EDIUS.NET
They are available in English, German and French on:
tutorial.edius.net (English)
tutorial.edius.de (Deutsch)
tutorial.edius.fr (French)
Elephorm (Online + DVD) (French)
François Faivre presents a 5-hour course entitled Débuter avec EDIUS Pro 7 – it is available as video on demand or on DVD-ROM.

Gaijin-Eyes Tutorials (Online) (English)

Douglas Bruce is a Scotsman based in Japan – hence the name of his tutorial website, “Gaijin-Eyes” (Foreign-Eyes). Douglas strongly believes in the proverb:
Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day
Teach him to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life
He avoids providing fish in his tutorials and, instead, tries to teach viewers how to fish.
For Part 1 of his GV Browser (Mync) tutorials – click HERE.
- EDIUS X Workgroup
- White Paper
- EDIUS Workgroup 9