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  4. An error occurs while license activation / deactivation

An error occurs while license activation / deactivation

  • License
An error occurs while license activation / deactivation

FAQ ID:000024325 | Date:2022/01/27

An error occurs while license activation / deactivation. How do I solve this problem?

Confirm an error code with red frame and troubleshoot with referring the error code reference .


Error Code#15

Summary Detected expired license

1) PC clock settings might be changed. This behavior is to protect from re-use trial after 31 days from 1st trial installation.

2) PC component parts much changed (e.g. CPU, motherboard, graphics card, hard disk).

3) OS has been upgraded or re-installed.

Troubleshooting None. Once either one in above is done, the trial license is expired and cannot be restored by backing to previous.


Error Code#10001

Summary GV License Manager is not running correctly

Required modules for running of GV License Manager is not found or corrupted


If the issue still remains, follow below steps:

1) From Apps & features, uninstall EDIUS, Mync and GV License Manager with unticking “Deactivate license” option.

2) Be sure that anti-virus or real-time scanning turned off.

3) Run EDIUS installer.

4) Activate / deactivate the license

Error Code#10014

Summary GV License service is not running

GV License service is not running or service module file might not be installed


Firstly, try to restart GV License Manager and the FlexNet licensing service 64 – details here

If the service doesn’t have Running status, right-click on the service then choose [Start]
If the service is not listed, it might be failed to install. In this case, follow below steps:

1) From Apps & features, uninstall EDIUS, Mync and GV License Manager with unticking “Deactivate license” option

2) Be sure that anti-virus or real-time scanning turned off

3) Run EDIUS installer

After above, try to activate EDIUS license


Error Code#11787

Summary No available network adapter found

Network adapter that GV License Manager can use is not running 


GV License Manager only supports built-in or PCI-e ethernet adapter USB adapter cannot be used for license validation

Use built-in or PCI-e ethernet adapter


Error Code#57B

Summary GV License Manager failed to run for license activation / deactivation

This may be caused by missing or corrupting one or more module files related to license management


1) From Apps & features, remove below programs that appears as installed programs.

EDIUS *1*2
Mync *1
GV License Manager
XRE Server
XRE Transcoder
*1 Ensure that ‘Deactivate the license’ is unticked
*2 If multipe version of EDIUS are being installed, remove all of them

2) Restart the OS and sign in with administrator privileges.

3) Run the installer for reinstallation of the application.

4) Activate / deactivate the license


Error Code#29
Error Code#57C

Summary GV License Manager failed to run for license activation / deactivation

1. EDIUS installed PC is unable to connect to internet
2. Windows Firewall or third party anti-virus software blocks internet connection
3. The license server is over loaded


Firstly, confirm if the PC has required connectivity – details here

Once compeleted, close it and then go to below for next troubleshooting.

1) Turn off Windows Firewall and then activate or de-activate the license.

2) Disable real-time scan of anti-virus and then activate or de-activate.
If the error still appears or you cannot access to the portal site, attempt off-line activation or deactivation.

3) Re-try license activation / deactivation after several minutes.

1. NEVER use other web browser on this troubleshooting. Because, if you do it, required access resource may not be checked. 

2. Activate Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge – details here

Running Older GV License Manager
In this case, upgrade the GV License Manager – details here

Error Code#406D

Summary Entered serial number is invalid

Incorrect EDIUS serial number might be entered for activation or deactivation.

Troubleshooting Make sure that entered serial number matches to the number that is included to the product.

Error Code#40AE

Summary Entered serial number is not active

Entered serial number was not found in the license server


Confirm that entered serial number is correct. If entered number is correct, but the issue remains, please contact to your regional technical support along with your EDIUS serial number.

Regarding entering invalid character or number, click here more details

Error Code#408D
Error Code#40BD

Summary GV License Manager mode is incorrect

Floating license activation was tried even though working GV License Manager works in normal mode. Appeared error code depends on activation method:

#408D: On-line activation
#40BD: Off-line activation


Follow below steps in the floating license server:

1) Open GV License Manager (select Exit context menu) from the notification tray at the bottom right of the desktop of the license server.

2) Select Start > Grass Valley > GV LicenseManager (Server Mode)

3) Activate the license


Error Code#411C

Summary No activated license is found in the license server while deactivating EDIUS license

Local ID file info might have a problem


If you want to delete your EDIUS license from the license list, delete it with below  procedure:

1) Request returning the license to your regional GV tech support along with target serial number and product name.

2) Make sure that all other licenses have been deactivated (this will be required if another version of EDIUS has been activated)

3) In Windows Task Tray, right-click on GV License Manager icon then choose [Exit] to quit GV License Manager.

4) Choose Start > Grass ValleyGV License Manager whilst pressing [Ctrl] + [Shift] key 

5) Right-click on GV License Manager icon then choose [License List]

6) Right-click the target license and then choose [Delete]

7) Quit GV License Manager (same step as #3)

8) Choose Start > Grass ValleyGV License Manager to restart GV License Manager

9) Retry license activation


Error Code#4120

Summary All licenses already activated

All EDIUS license copies have been activated, but you tried further activation.
EDIUS may have multiple license copies – depends on EDIUS version and edition – details here

Troubleshooting Return activated license in GV License Manager. If you cannot do it by PC trouble (e.g. harddisk defect), request to return the license to your regional GV tech support.


Error Code#41D2

Summary Deactivation is proceeded exceeds of allowed deactivation terms

GV License manager allows to deactivate the license up to two times per one month. License deactivation tried exceeds this number.


Contact to your regional support along with EDIUS serial number


Error Code#4245

Summary Invalid on-line deactivation tried

User tried on-line deactivation for the license that has been activated in off-line mode

Troubleshooting Deactivate the license in off-line mode. License activation / deactivation must be done in same mode.


Error Code#44F7(Only Floating license system)

Summary All licenses already activated

All EDIUS license copies have been activated, but you tried further activation.
EDIUS may have multiple license copies – depends on EDIUS version and edition – details here

Troubleshooting Return activated license in GV License Manager. If you cannot do it by PC trouble (e.g. harddisk defect), request to return the license to your regional GV tech support.


Error Code#47000

Summary This version has already been tried

Entered serial number is EDIUS Trial Version that has already been tried.

Troubleshooting None. EDIUS Trial Version allows to activate only one time.




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